“Share the weight and catch the fall.” Zam. <3

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I got a zam from Amira?! 😭🙌🏽 thank you, friend!

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Wow. Such beautiful words.

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Ireana, thank you beauty! ❤️

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You’ve written things I’ve often thought about…with that said what is an alternative, more meaningful way of supporting someone including ourselves in perilous times?

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Thank you, Irene! I've been thinking about your exact question, in depth, since the death of a few family members over the past year, then this encounter a few weeks ago. I'm still learning to parse out what I need in tough times. Sometimes it's fresh air, sometimes its physical presence...no questions, or sympathy, just being together. Sometimes it's radical honesty, answering and asking the tough things, conversations about mortality and our finitude. Sometimes it's laughs about how we're ants on a big ball in space, yet everything to each other. And, it's not all of those things from one person (nor can it be). It's about getting in where you fit in, I guess. Whatever your role in sharing the weight is. Remembering that it's an honor to share in your burden for people who care about you, threads that sew the fabric of your friendship/relationship closer, has been a journey for me. If you've found any alternative, more meaningful ways, do share! The more, the merrier. Lord know we need it ❤️

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Strangely enough I didn't see this response until now...Thank you for replying!

Your thoughtful response I think is the best approach to this.

There isn't a one size fits all, and everyone handles grief differently. I guess in summarising and adding onto what you have said; the greater the room for being, the better the chance of healing or something close to it.

I am certainly still learning how to navigate this inevitable space and each time it feels different.

I only hope that I don't forget to show up for others in any shape or form, and not shy away from it for not knowing "how to".

Have an awesome rest of the week, and I look forward to reading more from you soon! Xx

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Fredia, thank you so much, my dear ❤️

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I have listened to and read many of your stories and this one... this one is my favorite. Beautiful!

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You made my entireeee morning, Ebony! Thank you.

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